Covid-19: Protecting yourself, your employees, and your clients

The Covid-19 virus. The colors were chosen by scientists to emphasize the various components of the virus
The Covid-19 pandemic has made health and safety a critical concern for all business owners in every industry. For the Trades, not only is this a financially challenging time, but employee and customer safety is a prime consideration.
What precautions are appropriate? How does one get vaccinated? What should one expect after receiving their vaccination(s)? These are all serious questions which must be addressed.
One of the best sources for Covid-19 information is the Center for Disease Control (CDC) . There you can learn about the latest Covid information; what precautions are necessary? What to do after you are vaccinated? When is it appropriate to be tested? You can also find the latest in scientific updates and medical information. The CDC is the best place to find the most accurate and up to date information.
What about vaccinations? Here in Maricopa county, the Covid-19 Vaccine site is your best resource. Here you can find the latest on vaccines, where to go, and how to sign up. You are also able to submit questions for additional information.
This has been a difficult time for us all. Having the proper information, taking the proper precautions, and ensuring you and your employees are vaccinated, will ensure that your business will be able to maintain the strong client relationships that you so value.